Blog » Herbert Poul's Personal Blog » My very own PDA "history"

My very own PDA "history"

2009-01-25 11:31:48

I got a bit nostalgic when i thought about my old Palm Pilot... so i searched for my old PDAs and lined them up against my iPhone :)

I always wanted a PDA to play with, even though I never needed them :) (Why would you need a PDA as a 10-year-old anyway?)

  • Casio Digital Diary SF-4000
  • Palm Pilot Professional (Which.. didn't quite survive me, so the one pictured is my brother's Palm Pilot Personal :) )
  • Palm Vx (The best Palm ever, imho. Let's see how the Palm Pre turns out...)
  • iPhone 8 GB (Finally my dream came true about merging mobile phone and PDA .. why ever it took so long to get this done)

Hopefully i can soon add an iPhone 3G to that list. This would make my current iPhone the shortest-lasting "PDA" in my collection :)
Hey, we have Signatures !!! Great, isn't it ? ;)

Posted by Herbert Poul

Assigned Tags: pda, iphone, palm, casio


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