Blog » Herbert Poul's Personal Blog » Releasing ShelfShare - Share, manage, rate and review your books, dvds, you have read ..
Want to create a list of all things you have read, watched, used or otherwise own - categorized using tags, rated and review them - and obviously share them with your friends?

Then check out ShelfShare. It is a simple application hosted on google app engine which will allow you all that and more - like exporting all your ratings and reviews using a CSV file, or subscribe to the shelves of your friends using RSS feeds.

I would love to receive feedback if this looks useful, or what would make it useful :)

Thanks to gerhard for testing it as a first user :)
Hey, we have Signatures !!! Great, isn't it ? ;)

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Personal website and blog of Herbert Poul. Also check out my Photo Gallery.

Herby's Photo Gallery



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