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Damian Conway:
- welcome to the annual perl 6 update
- there's a big difference between 'yadda, yadda' and 'whatever, whatever'
- [Q: Wouldn't that promote developers to write less documentation ? A:] I don't think there is a way they can actually document less.
- In perl6 POD does no longer contain style markup, but only logical separation - B stands for 'base' - usually displayed as beeing bold, I for Important - usually displayed italic - U for unusually - which i guess is typically displayed.. underlined
Larry Wall:
- [Q: What happens when using the 'whatever' variable on both sides A:] The right thing happens !
- (from slides) Programming is hard - let's go scripting
Last Modified: 2018-08-24 13:16:41 by Herbert Poul - [ Snip Changes ] [ Wiki History ]
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