Xfire Protocol Documentation
XfireProtocolThis is a short try on creating a protocol documentation for xfire.
1. Introduction
Beat Wolf (aka asraniel) has written a very useful and almost complete documentation on the packets of the xfire protocol a while ago on his gfire website.
Although it explained in detail on how to parse each separate packet it lacked to explain a few meanings of common packets.
2. Attribute-based packets
Most xfire packets consist of only attributes - all these attributes are in the same structure and can therefore be parsed in the same way for every packet.
But there are quite a few packets which are not of that sort - i have yet to figure out what they actually mean.
Examples of these packets are the ids: 141 (preference packet), 151, 152, 155, 157, 177, 163, 144 (DID packet?) - i currently simply ignore those packets.
3. Packet layout
After a packet header (5 bytes) which consists of:
- 1 + 2. bytes total packet length including header
- 3 byte: zero ?
- 4 byte: packet type id
- 5 byte: number of attributes
3.1. Attribute
Every attribute consists of a name and a value:
<attribute name><attribute value>
3.2. Attribute Name
The name consists of it's length, and then the name itself:
<name length (1 byte)><name (length bytes)>
3.3. Attribute Value
The attribute value consists of a byte describing the value type (and it's length) and afterwards the value itself:
<value type (1 byte)><value>
3.3.1. Value types
There are quite a few value types - the most basic i came across are:
- 1: String
- 2: short int -> 4 bytes
- 3: 16 bytes long (sid)
- 4: Array
See below on how to parse these:
3.3.2. Value type String
For string values you have to read it's length, a zero separator and then the string itself:
<string length 2 bytes> <string>
3.3.3. Value type Array
An array consists again of any value type described above.
<array entry value type (1 byte)> <number of entries (2 bytes)> <attribute values ...>
4. Summary
summed up .. this all looks like:
<attribute name><attribute value>
attribute name:
<name length 1 byte><name>
attribute value:
<value type 1 byte><value>
value type:
1: string
2: short int -> 4 byte
3: sid -> 16 byte
4: array
value type string:
<string length 2 bytes> <string>
value type array
<array entry value type 1 byte> <number of entries 2 bytes> <attribute value>*
5. Example implementation
You can look at the java xfire library i began to write.
Last Modified: 2008-03-02 00:25:51 by Herbert Poul - [ Snip Changes ] [ Wiki History ]
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