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EDIT: i started my "log" in the wiki, so i'll move it here..
-------- snip ------
I have now started to look through the catalyst documentation .. hopefully to find out how to start using it :)

1438: ok, since i'm lazy i downloaded the 'CatInABox' tar.gz file.. (containing catalyst 5.7006) extracted it .. and it seems to work .. now get's started with creating an application ;)

-------- /snip -------

ok, created a new application:

herbert-pouls-computer:~/dev/frameworkcomparison/catalyst herbert$ BarCrud
created "BarCrud"
created "BarCrud/script"
created "BarCrud/lib"
created "BarCrud/root"
created "BarCrud/root/static"
created "BarCrud/root/static/images"
created "BarCrud/t"
created "BarCrud/lib/BarCrud"
created "BarCrud/lib/BarCrud/Model"
created "BarCrud/lib/BarCrud/View"
created "BarCrud/lib/BarCrud/Controller"
created "BarCrud/barcrud.yml"
created "BarCrud/lib/"
created "BarCrud/lib/BarCrud/Controller/"
created "BarCrud/README"
created "BarCrud/Changes"
created "BarCrud/t/01app.t"
created "BarCrud/t/02pod.t"
created "BarCrud/t/03podcoverage.t"
created "BarCrud/root/static/images/catalyst_logo.png"
created "BarCrud/root/static/images/btn_120x50_built.png"
created "BarCrud/root/static/images/btn_120x50_built_shadow.png"
created "BarCrud/root/static/images/btn_120x50_powered.png"
created "BarCrud/root/static/images/btn_120x50_powered_shadow.png"
created "BarCrud/root/static/images/btn_88x31_built.png"
created "BarCrud/root/static/images/btn_88x31_built_shadow.png"
created "BarCrud/root/static/images/btn_88x31_powered.png"
created "BarCrud/root/static/images/btn_88x31_powered_shadow.png"
created "BarCrud/root/favicon.ico"
created "BarCrud/Makefile.PL"
created "BarCrud/script/"
created "BarCrud/script/"
created "BarCrud/script/"
created "BarCrud/script/"
created "BarCrud/script/"
herbert-pouls-computer:~/dev/frameworkcomparison/catalyst herbert$ 

--- Last Edited by Herbert Poul at 2007-11-11 21:29:24 ---
Hey, we have Signatures !!! Great, isn't it ? ;)
great.. launched catalyst, got a nice welcome page:

herbert-pouls-computer:~/dev/frameworkcomparison/catalyst/BarCrud herbert$ script/ 
debug Debug messages enabled
debug Loaded plugins:
| Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader  0.13                                       |
| Catalyst::Plugin::Static::Simple  0.14                                     |

debug Loaded dispatcher "Catalyst::Dispatcher"
debug Loaded engine "Catalyst::Engine::HTTP"
debug Found home "/Users/herbert/dev/frameworkcomparison/catalyst/BarCrud"
debug Loaded Config "/Users/herbert/dev/frameworkcomparison/catalyst/BarCrud/barcrud.yml"
debug Loaded components:
| Class                                                           | Type     |
| BarCrud::Controller::Root                                       | instance |

debug Loaded Private actions:
| Private              | Class                                | Method       |
| /default             | BarCrud::Controller::Root            | default      |
| /end                 | BarCrud::Controller::Root            | end          |

info BarCrud powered by Catalyst 5.7006
You can connect to your server at http://herbert-pouls-computer.local:3000
info *** Request 1 (0.067/s) 396 [Sun Nov 11 14:42:49 2007] ***
debug "GET" request for "/" from ""
info Request took 0.056400s (17.730/s)
| Action                                                         | Time      |
| /default                                                       | 0.001194s |
| /end                                                           | 0.000172s |

Hey, we have Signatures !!! Great, isn't it ? ;)
according to the tutorial the first step is to create a SQL structure by hand ..
since it uses DBIx::Class which i've never used before.. i'll try to figure out if there is another way ..
Hey, we have Signatures !!! Great, isn't it ? ;)
well ok .. i gave up .. i now simply create a new postgresql database and create my tables there ..
Hey, we have Signatures !!! Great, isn't it ? ;)
ok, this is what i came up with:

       id serial primary key,
       name varchar(255) not null,
       location text not null,

       -- Wifi: n: none, y: yes, p: paid
       wifi char(1) not null,
       creationdate timestamp with time zone not null,
       editdate timestamp with time zone not null
       -- TODO: Add user relation


       id serial primary key,
       name varchar(255) not null

-- n:m relation between bar and beer
CREATE TABLE bar_beer (
       bar_id integer not null,
       beer_id integer not null,

       PRIMARY KEY(bar_id, beer_id)

CREATE TABLE comment (
       id serial primary key,

       -- TODO: Add user relation
       postdate timestamp with time zone not null,
       body text not null

i still need to figure out how authentication works and how i reference a user .. but anyway .. i'll start with this .. (the same thing is the tutorial doing .. so .. i'm good with it :) )
Hey, we have Signatures !!! Great, isn't it ? ;)
ok .. i got a bit distracted by the fact that there are quite a few files that were autogenerated..

so i'm searching for a tool to count the lines ... let's try
Hey, we have Signatures !!! Great, isn't it ? ;)
ok, it seems it isn't that bad

SLOC    Directory       SLOC-by-Language (Sorted)
117     script          perl=117
20      lib             perl=20
0       misc            (none)
0       root            (none)
0       t               (none)
0       top_dir         (none)

Totals grouped by language (dominant language first):
perl:           137 (100.00%)

Total Physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC)                = 137
Development Effort Estimate, Person-Years (Person-Months) = 0.02 (0.30)
 (Basic COCOMO model, Person-Months = 2.4 * (KSLOC**1.05))
Schedule Estimate, Years (Months)                         = 0.13 (1.58)
 (Basic COCOMO model, Months = 2.5 * (person-months**0.38))
Estimated Average Number of Developers (Effort/Schedule)  = 0.19
Total Estimated Cost to Develop                           = $ 3,351
 (average salary = $56,286/year, overhead = 2.40).

so i'll continue with the tutorial
Hey, we have Signatures !!! Great, isn't it ? ;)
umm.. i thought the tutorial was out of date because it told me to create a '' and 'MyAppDB/' directory to put my "database models" into .. although the script already created a BarCrud/Model/ directory ...
but.. obviously .. it was correct .. it seems those Model class will get auto generated.. anyway .. i'll move my models into BarCrudDB :(
Hey, we have Signatures !!! Great, isn't it ? ;)
ok .. moved models, added comments model .. ready to go .
Hey, we have Signatures !!! Great, isn't it ? ;)
ok .. bad news.. obviously the CatInABox didn't come with some required helper classes:

herbert-pouls-computer:~/dev/frameworkcomparison/catalyst/BarCrud herbert$ script/ model BarCrudDB DBIC::Schema BarCrudDB dbi:Pg:dbname=cat_barcrud 'test' 'test' '{ AutoCommit => 1 }'
 exists "/Users/herbert/dev/frameworkcomparison/catalyst/BarCrud/script/../lib/BarCrud/Model"
 exists "/Users/herbert/dev/frameworkcomparison/catalyst/BarCrud/script/../t"
Couldn't load helper "Catalyst::Helper::Model::DBIC::Schema", "Can't locate Catalyst/Helper/Model/DBIC/ in @INC (@INC contains: /Users/herbert/dev/frameworkcomparison/catalyst/CatInABox/extlib /System/Library/Perl/5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-2level /System/Library/Perl/5.8.6 /Library/Perl/5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Library/Perl/5.8.6 /Library/Perl /Network/Library/Perl/5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Network/Library/Perl/5.8.6 /Network/Library/Perl /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-2level /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.8.6 /Library/Perl/5.8.1 .) at (eval 11) line 3.
" at script/ line 23
herbert-pouls-computer:~/dev/frameworkcomparison/catalyst/BarCrud herbert$

Hey, we have Signatures !!! Great, isn't it ? ;)

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