Blog » Herbert Poul's Personal Blog » ORF Skichallenge 09 finally over

ORF Skichallenge 09 finally over

2009-02-08 12:53:12

After six long racing weekends the ORF Skichallenge 09 finally came to a close.

I finished on place 4 241 in the world cup of 5 races, and on place 12 151 in the final championship (in which i obviously invested not enough time :( ). Unfortunately i forgot my ranking in the last two years, which is why i am now archiving it here :)

Hey, we have Signatures !!! Great, isn't it ? ;)

Posted by Herbert Poul

Assigned Tags: skichallenge, games, orf skichallenge


Attachments: skichallenge09.png (46.8 KB)

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