Blog » Herbert Poul's Personal Blog » Surfcamps24 - Making Of

Surfcamps24 - Making Of

2009-11-15 20:47:32

Sometimes it is getting really frustrating to search for, or create the perfect generic product which can be used for every possible website and purpose. Be it an open source django forum and wiki or a web content management and portal software. So it can be really refreshing to reset and implement the simplest possible solution for a very simple problem: Getting content on the web.

Well. That sounds easy. I have done it dozens of times and written three frameworks for it - in Perl (MHP), Java (Galena) and lately Python (SCT).

Okay. Screw it. Start from scratch and do the simplest solution possible. (And well, do it in portugal.. it helps)

The result?

  • Content editable using a simple wysiwyg editor
  • Navigation, advertisings, headers, etc. editable in the administration interface
  • Surfcamps administration, listing, categorizing
  • News section editable using wysiwyg editor, in categories and with permissions (obviously)
  • Ratings of surfcamps by guests
  • Comments for news and contest entries.
  • Contest page to upload images and vote for them - with facebook sharing and everything
  • simple user management with a very easy registration, email validation & co - so you are basically registered before you know it :)
  • Booking form - with customizable fields for every surfcamp.
  • Sending HTML validation emails and newsletter (including images) - managed right from the admin interface
  • improved surfing skills ;) (Well .. kinda)

Or in bare metrics ..
  • 1700 lines of python code (based on django)
  • 1000 lines of html code
  • 3-4 weeks of work
  • Who cares about metrics?! ;)

Surfcamps24 - Wellenreitcamps für Deinen Traumurlaub
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