Blog » Herbert Poul's Personal Blog » Google is getting weird - discontinues google notebook
I just discovered that google is stopping development of google notebook - which i really like to use (since recently). - That's perfectly fine with me .. at least they just stop development (i haven't seen any improvements for a while anyway :) ) and don't put it offline .. but.. what strikes me is this:

In the announcement about stopping development they list a few alternatives.. like 'Google Bookmarks'. So .. what happens when you log in to google bookmarks ?

"Check out a better way to organize your bookmarks using Google Notebook" (I never understood how you could replace google bookmarks with notebook .. but anyway..)

I always thought google bookmark would die first.. since this message appeared for quite some time now .. so what went wrong here ? (i guess google bookmark just fits better into the search wiki and google web history features ?)
Hey, we have Signatures !!! Great, isn't it ? ;)

Posted by Herbert Poul

Assigned Tags: google


Attachments: googlebookmarks.png (29.4 KB)

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